Drive Test center oshawa

How to pass your G2 drive test / G road test

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Drive test Ontario is like an open book exam, what i mean is that we already know what the examiner is going to ask us do in the test. To explain my point isn’t it well know that every G2 test comprises of examiner making the student do maneuvers like three point turn, parallel parking / reverse parking, roadside parking, uphill parking, downhill parking, left turn at an offset intersection, couple of left and right turns in a residential area and straight parking.
Now I don’t say that just knowing or mastering these maneuvers will be enough to meet the standards set by MTO to get your drivers licence but knowing them will certainly improve your chances.

Maneuvering in my opinion is just 1/3rd of driving the other two important components of driving are 1/3rd observation skills and 1/3rd knowledge of the rules and signs

Good observation skills includes habit of noticing every sign posted on the road, looking well ahead to spot a potential problem on road early thereby giving yourself enough time to think of solution, watching out for pedestrians, road hazards, pedestrian countdown for yellow light.

Knowledge of rules is very important aspect of driving to know the ‘right of the way’ is very important to become a confident driver, knowledge of the right lane to drive and turn into knowing one way and two way roads discipline all of this is important. Knowing the right distance to leave and right stopping distance is all part of knowledge of rules

Now all of this clubbed together along with smooth acceleration and braking and you have a winning combination!

You can always contact us for any further help and clarification

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