Road test fail

Top reasons driving students fail in the G2/G road test

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Over the years as a driving instructor, I have been witness to many tests i am lucky that a very high percentage

 of my students succeed in their tests but their have been occasional failures and hence i have over these years compiled a list of main reasons that can get you a negative result in your test. I have made it a part of my training to discuss these reasons with my students as I believe that unless one knows the reason that can cause a failure he/she can not avoid it.

I am sharing a few of those reasons here for the benefit of all who read my blog.

1. Speed going down while changing lane, speed is one of the main ingredients of a perfect lane change, usually the moment examiners ask to change lanes aspirants attention gets diverted to the procedures of lane change and sometimes this causes the speed to go down! Remember your speed should be equal to the speed prescribed for the road that you are on as a matter of fact of speed is low one must speed up to reach the speed limit and than do other procedures of a lane change. By changing lane at a low speed it can become dangerous as the car behind you could come closer to you making that lane change ‘dangerous action’ which is a major mistake and an immediate fail.

2. Not speeding to the speed limit of the highway while merging, if the highway is clear it is prudent to reach the speed of the highway before merging onto the highway, I have had instances when a student has merged on 401 at a speed of 90 and yet failed as one is supposed to reach the speed of 401 (100 kph) before merging if the highway is running smoothly and the merging lane is clear.

3. Rolling over stop at a stop sign, a roll through a stop sign without your vehicle’s tires ever coming to a complete standstill. Every stop sign needs to be respected by stopping on them completely no movement of tires at all

4. Failing to stop at a yellow light, approaching a stale green light one must exercise great caution as it can turn yellow anytime. If there is a pedestrian countdown timer one must keep an eye on that to know when it will turn off and the light changes to yellow. Not stopping at a yellow light is also a very common reason for failing your test.

5. Not looking out for pedestrians while turning, It is common that drivers’ attention can get compromised while looking at oncoming traffic for a chance to turn. One must not commit to a turn unless they have made sure that there are no pedestrians

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